Montana Wounded Warriors had the pleasure to try out a Spring Turkey Hunt with the Absaroka-Beartooth Outfitters in Big Timber this year. This was a first for our organization so we were excited and had a great group of Warriors. Our Warriors were, Mike Kuntz, Dean Murray, Dan McGuinness, and James McMartin. We had an awesome weekend with amazing guides taking us to some beautiful country. The first morning hunt started off a little slow with the turkey’s not showing up. Instead of turkeys, we saw dozens of deer and elk. We decided to drive around and look for an evening turkey after lunch. Much to the guide’s experience, we stumbled upon two nice Toms walking across the trail we were coming up to. Dean and James were quick to hop out and set up to sneak on the Toms. Before they even had a chance to sneak on the Toms, both Warriors shot at a perfect timing to shoot both turkeys. Two beautiful Toms were down with some great color. Mike and Dan were up next. No other turkeys were spotted the rest of the evening, but we were teased endlessly by their echoes of gobbling in the trees. We had an amazing dinner and bonding to end the first evening. That next morning, Dan and Mike were setting their sights on a Tom. We went to several spots and the turkeys were just not where they were supposed to be. Our resourceful guide took us to an afterthought location and we spotted a nice big Tom walking up a hill side. Mike hopped out and started the pursuit after the Tom. Just when we thought he was going to get a shot, the Tom ran what we thought was way out of range. Mike took the shot and to our amazement, stopped the turkey dead in his tracks that we ranged to be almost 80 yards. Mike had an awesome shot that we never would have guessed would have reached the turkey. Mike did a great job and bagged a beautiful turkey. Three warriors down and one left, Dan was anxious to get a turkey. Our guide knew the right place to go at the right time and he and Dan snuck up to several strutting Toms on a hill side. Dan was quick to not miss his opportunity and bagged a beautiful Tom. All the warriors were successful and board member (also a warrior) Chris Grudzinski also filled his tag. This was a great trip with lots of laughs and tears had by all. Thank you Absaroka-Beartooth Outfitters and all the warriors involved.