Montana Wounded Warriors

As the 2017 hunting season winds down, I have had time to ponder on what a epic season it was. Truly one of my best seasons yet! It kicked off earlier than expected with the opportunity to be a trip leader on a new archery elk hunt in the Big Hole. Christy Bennett and Tom Pitzinger brain-trusted a hunt for veterans Brandon Olsen, Kevin Martin, Chuck Cloud and myself, to share in their sacred elk hunting ground. Christy and Tom’s families rolled out the red carpet in the middle of nowhere, somewhere on the Montana-Idaho border. With bugling elk and a grunting bull moose surrounding us it was a going to be an unbelievable hunt. We all walked through the marshes and up and down the mountains and tended our sore feet around the camp fire in the evening, and loved every minute of it. Great food, a roaring fire, and, if I’m being honest, cold beer, lead to tons of stories and laughter. Having a nice 5×5 bull come screaming in to Tom’s angry bugle and stopping broadside at 50 yards had my adrenaline pumping like I haven’t experienced since Iraq. Even though I shanked it and shot right over his back, it was truly a success. See, these hunts are not always about harvesting something, but rather creating new friendships and support channels for veterans. It was an awesome experience to be a part of and to make new life friends. -Mackay Mathiason

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